Project pitch and workshop of the Mittelbau network 07.06.2024

The Women’s and Gender Research Network NRW invites you to the Mittelbau Workshop under the motto “Between Dialogue and Speech Prohibitions – Challenges of Science Communication on Gender Perspectives, Gender and Queer Studies”. EXENKO will present a project pitch and a workshop on the topic “Creating visibility through science communication. Experiences and findings from the EXENKO project”. Further information can be found here.
Project update
"Boost the visibility!"
Phase III of the project has started and workshops have been running since the beginning of January under the motto “Boost the visibility”. The workshops were designed in two versions, for female academics in the postdoc phase and junior professors on the one hand and for university communication stakeholders on the other, based on the findings of the previous project phases. With a mixture of exercises and input, strategies for making the research personality visible are learned and passed on in a practical way. Workshops have already taken place at the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Ruhr-West University of Applied Sciences but are still to be held at the University of Cologne and RWTH Aachen University in the coming months.
A short report can also be found on the “Project in Focus” page of the “Innovative Women in Focus” meta-project. Here, project leader Prof. Dr. Ute Klammer and Eva Wegrzyn answer a few questions about visibility and excellence recognition in a video interview (in German). You can find the interview and some additional information here.
"Visibility as a Career Factor - The Gender Visibility Gap in Science" - Lecture on 29.04.
As part of the event series “#MeineForschung – Digitale Sichtbarkeit von Wissenschaftlerinnen” Eva Wegrzyn will give a lecture at the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer. The event will take place virtually.
Best Presenter Award
Project member Dr. Lara Altenstädter gave a Talk on “Invisibility of Female Scientists in the German Media” at the virtual “Canadian International Conference on Gender & Women’s Studies 20204” on April 27 and was awarded the Best Presenter Award. Criteria were presentation skills, how questions were answered, the content of the presentation and time management.
"Sichtbarkeit von Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen (Visibility of female junior scientists)" - 29.05.2024
Project manager Prof. Dr. Ute Klammer will give a talk on “Visibility of female junior scientists” on 29.05.2024, 13:30-15:00, as part of the event series “Ans Licht” at Helmut Schmidt University, in which results of the EXENKO project will be presented.
You can find the flyer here.
"Invisibility of female scientists in the German media" - 27.04.2024
Presentation by Dr. Lara Altenstädter and Eva Wegrzyn on the topic “Invisibility of female scientists in the German media” at the Canadian International Conference on Gender & Women’s Studies 2024.
Further information can be found here.
EKfG anniversay on World Women's Day
On World Women’s Day on March 8, 2024, the Essener Kolleg für Geschlechterforschung (EKfG) will celebrate its 25th anniversary! Together with the Institute für geschlechtersensible Medizin, which has its kick-off on this day, the EKfG is committed to ensuring that the category of gender is considered intersectionally in medical research and teaching. The anniversary and kick-off will be celebrated with lectures and discussions. As part of the EXENKO project, project members will of course also be represented. Click here for the press release. Click here for the program and registration.
GAPS Statement of the month
Prof. Dr. Ute Klammer, project leader of the EXENKO project, has written the statement of the month December for the work program “Gleichstellung am Arbeitsplatz. Perspektiven schaffen (GAPS)” and dealt with the gender visibility gap in science under the title “Making women’s achievements in science visible – rethinking excellence!”. The statement can be read here in german.
Opening lecture at the Meta-IFiF lecture series on 17.10.2023
Project leader Prof. Ute Klammer and Eva Wegrzyn opened the Meta-IFiF Lecture Series with their talk “The Gender Visibility Gap in Science: Positions, Actors, Options for Action” on 17.10.2023 at 18:00. The event highlighted the visibility of women in different areas of science, innovation and society. More information is available here.
We cooperate with the meta-IFiF meta-project, which networks all projects of the BMBF funding guideline “Innovative Women in Focus”.
Hybrid lecture at the Motherhood and Science Network on 16.10.2023
Eva Wegrzyn and Dr. Lara Altenstädter spoke at the Netzwerk Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft on 16.10.2023 on the topic of visibility and making women visible in science. The lecture took place at 18:00 hybrid at the University of Cologne. More information will follow shortly.
Keynote lecture at the Postdoc Appreciation Week (18.-22.09.2023)
As part of the Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany from 18 to 22 September 2023, the virtual workshop “Achieving visibility in research: a gendered perspective” was held by the Graduate Center Plus at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Project member Eva Wegrzyn gave a digital keynote lecture on “Excellence, gender & the visibility gap in research: Selected results” on 18.09.2023. She spoke about the understanding of excellence and performance in the context of the visibility of female scientists and presented first results on gender-specific visibility from the EXENKO project. Click here for the Postdoc Appreciation Week.
ASPIRE Afternoon (23.11.2022)
Prof Ute Klammer presented at this years ASPIRE Afternoon bySFB 1093 of University Duisburg-Essen on the topic of “excellent research ? – with fair chances! What constitutes excellent research, how is excellence actually defined and what is the relationship between excellence and equal opportunities?” Afterwards, all participants discussed and exchanged ideas with each other in the World Café.
You can find more information here.
Networking Meeting Meta-Project "Innovative Women in Focus" (24-25.10.2022, Bonn)
On 24 and 25 October, the first networking event of the BMBF’s funding line “Innovative Women in Focus” took place in Bonn. Representatives from 18 projects exchanged views on commonalities and discussed the topics of visibility and gender equality, among others. You can find more information on LinkedIn.
Scientific Career Day (Universität zu Köln, 27.09.2022)
On the occasion of the Scientific Career Day, Prof. Ute Klammer gave a Key Note Lecture on the topic “Excellence and Equal Opportunities: Antagonists or Compatible Concepts?
Further information can be found here.
Final workshop of the project "SPARK - Visible Potentials as Role (Pre)Images of Female Scientific Careers" (07.09.2022, German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer)
The SPARK project (2021-2022), which is also part of the BMBF-funded meta-project ‘Innovative Women in Focus‘, invited participants to the final workshop in Speyer on 7 September 2022. Central results of the project as well as ‘visibility projects’ of the participants were presented. On the concluding panel, the EXENKO team addressed the question “How much do I reveal? – Science communication and career booster vs. hate speech?”.
More about SPARK.